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Each month we give away the project files, set of instructions, how to video and a list of materials to give you inspiration and guidance on new projects. See more ideas about Cnc projects, Cnc and Cnc machine. CNC Piranha XL® with Laser Engraving Module - 24'' of Y capacity, Free Woodworking Plans & DIY Wood Project Ideas to use a CNC router to make a weather station, including a pattern and the .tap files Steampunk Bird House CNC Project Download. Next Wave Automation provides CNC Project Plans perfect for gifts or keep these treasures for yourself. Project Instructions CNC SHARK QUEEN VCARVE FILES: CLICK TO DOWNLOAD. CNC SHARK TO DOWNLOAD. PIRANHA TOP SIDE MACHINING VIDEO : CLICK TO VIEW TAP FILE VIDEO: CLICK TO VIEW  8 Aug 2017 i am refering to artcam the free 2018.0.4 download cnc next wave pirranha xl . i am using a gcode to download projects to a usb manual indicates that the CNC Piranha XL Controller Interface supports *.tap files, and page  Look for "Other Woodworking Projects / CNC Piranha Add-ons", or you can write "CNC" All the available Piranha add-ons and support files will be sent free on one request. After you download the sketches, these notes will help you understand them. Remove any temporary duck tap and dust off the outside of the box.

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